Vault identity duplicate resolution guide
Some users may have duplicate identity resources (entities, aliases, groups) in their cluster's storage due to historical bugs. These can cause unexpected behavior as they are outside of Vault's typical expectations and test scenarios.
Vault 1.19.0 includes additional reporting in server logs to identify if any duplicates exist in a cluster. If any do exist, this document provides the information necessary to safely resolve them and return the cluster to normal, supported behavior.
To identify whether your cluster has duplicates you need to follow these steps:
Ensure you have upgraded to Vault 1.19.0 or higher on all cluster nodes.
Check the Vault logs on the active node and locate it's last unseal operation between the following log lines:
[INFO] core: post-unseal setup starting ...<check here> ... [INFO] core: post-unseal setup complete
If you see the following line, duplicates were found and you should continue to read this guide.
[WARN] identity: DUPLICATES DETECTED, see following logs for details [...]
If you don't see this line, you have no further action to take on this cluster. Ensure you repeat this process on any Performance Replication (PR) secondary clusters though as it's possible for PR secondaries to have local duplicates. Disaster Recovery (DR) secondaries do not need to be checked separately.
If duplicates have been reported in your Vault logs, there are a few steps to work through which will depend on the types of duplicates found. Details of each are given below. The high-level process for resolution is:
With Vault Enterprise Performance or Disaster Recovery replication
- Ensure all clusters (primary and secondaries) are upgraded to 1.19.0 or higher.
- On the primary, address each duplicate reported using the type-specific guidance below.
- On any Performance Replication secondaries, address each local alias duplicate reported using the guidance below.
- Activate the
activation flag.
Without Vault replication
- Ensure the cluster is upgraded to 1.19.0 or higher.
- Address each duplicate reported using the type specific guidance below.
- Activate the
activation flag.
Resolving different-case entity alias duplicates
[WARN] identity: 2 different-case entity alias duplicates found (potential security risk)
[WARN] identity: entity-alias "alias-case" with mount accessor "auth_userpass_34aca7ec" duplicates 1 others: id=df3568a4-3b65-4104-9481-1129ecbed72f canonical_id=5f013d99-a6c7-9a00-6ad5-4ad724b14f60 force_deduplication="would merge into entity 7da76b0d-fe9b-a125-3362-2a8ff055dcf8"
[WARN] identity: entity-alias "alias-cAsE" with mount accessor "auth_userpass_34aca7ec" duplicates 1 others: id=2992253b-1e99-4e47-b6f9-afb0c7cedf7a canonical_id=7da76b0d-fe9b-a125-3362-2a8ff055dcf8 force_deduplication="would merge others into this entity"
[WARN] identity: entity-alias "alias-case" with mount accessor "auth_userpass_a555989a" duplicates 1 others: id=0e4bd46e-a868-4dd4-a34a-cb73f097e3a5 canonical_id=1ce06951-e2fd-0923-8ae0-a0e2c6c2378b force_deduplication="would merge into entity 37f41fcf-5e15-f13f-248d-9fa8405b1ecd"
[WARN] identity: entity-alias "alias-cAsE" with mount accessor "auth_userpass_a555989a" duplicates 1 others: id=6cafe546-665c-4bd0-a4fd-5e699ba413c1 canonical_id=37f41fcf-5e15-f13f-248d-9fa8405b1ecd force_deduplication="would merge others into this entity"
[WARN] identity: end of different-case entity-alias duplicates
These duplicates are caused by auth mounts that have somehow (due to historical bugs) been allowed to create aliases that differ only in their case. One known way this can happen is if you use an external auth method such as LDAP and for some reason have an LDAP system that will sometimes return usernames normalized to uppercase and sometimes to lower or mixed case.
By default Vault would match these in a case-insensitive way and so both would be considered the same alias. Past bugs have left some users with these different-case duplicates in storage though. To avoid the potential security impact of merging them, Vault since version 0.11.8 attempts to honor the past behavior by switching the identity engine to a case-sensitive matching mode to avoid accidentally merging two entities that might not be the same user.
These are the most critical duplicates to resolve because there may be security impact when enabling the `force-identity-deduplication` flag.Note that the two sets of duplicates in the example above all have the same name, but are distinct because they come from different auth mounts. You will need to consider each set of duplicate names from each auth mount separately.
There are two important cases to consider for each mount:
- The case difference is unintentional and all case variants should be considered the same logical entity. This is Vault's default behavior.
- The source identity provider actually intended to distinguish between
different entity names using case so
are different user accounts corresponding to different humans with distinct permission sets.
Case 1: unintentional different-case duplicates
If the different-case variations of an alias name are accidental then no
additional resolution steps are required before activating the flag. When the
flag is activated, the entities that each
duplicate alias resolves to will be merged.
You can see the force_deduplication
label in the log line to see exactly which
entity will remain. Any policies attached to either entity will be merged so the
final entity will have the union of all policies granted to any of the
duplicates and so not loose access to anything.
Logins using either case will continue to work but will now map to a single entity and so be impacted by the same policies. This is restoring the intended Vault behavior and is the only behavior possible without the bugs that allowed the duplicates to be created.
Case 2: intentional different-case duplicates
If the different-case variations of an alias name actually represent different logical users or entities in an external system then activating the flag will merge them and potentially grant users access to resources they shouldn't have. It is critical to ensure these are resolved before activating the flag. Use the steps below to choose an resolution for each duplicate name on each mount.
Using case-sensitive names is unsupported and carries significant security risks. There is a risk that different-case alias duplicates could merge at any time due to unrelated changes in storage such as other entities or groups being deleted. You should aim to resolve these duplicates as soon as possible to restore Vault's intended security model.If you can confirm that the duplicate aliases or their entire auth mounts are unused or unimportant, they can be deleted by their ID as shown in the log line, for example
. Use the entity alias delete endpoint. Deleting all but one of each duplicate name on each mount is sufficient to avoid unintentional merging when the flag is activated.If you are unsure whether these aliases are used, you will need to discover this and form a strategy for resolving.
You may need to reconfigure the auth mount or external service to ensure that it will no longer create aliases with names that differ only-by case. For example by including a unique ID in the alias name as well as the username. There might be some disruption to users as you roll out that change but it will depend on the chosen solution.
We anticipate this being rare and are not aware of any specific example integrations where this would apply. Vault Enterprise customers should work with HashiCorp support staff to determine the best strategy if you find this is the case.
Once you are able to manually resolve the duplicates via deletion or reconfiguration and no longer see them reported during unseal you are safe to activate the flag.
Resolving local different-case entity alias duplicates
Local different-case entity alias duplicates have all the same considerations as non-local entity alias duplicates.
The only difference is that these aliases only exist on the local cluster. If the cluster that reports them is a Performance Replication secondary, you will need to perform any resolution steps necessary against that cluster and not the Primary.
Resolving entity and group duplicates
[WARN] identity: 2 entity duplicates found
[WARN] identity: entity "entity-cAsE" with namespace ID "root" duplicates 2 others: id=2562b42d-f603-ac6b-2591-8a20dd050897 force_deduplication="would rename to entity-cAsE-2562b42d-f603-ac6b-2591-8a20dd050897"
[WARN] identity: entity "entity-case" with namespace ID "root" duplicates 2 others: id=290a643d-6043-da5e-943f-3a3d09e4ecbd force_deduplication="would rename to entity-case-290a643d-6043-da5e-943f-3a3d09e4ecbd"
[WARN] identity: entity "entity-case" with namespace ID "root" duplicates 2 others: id=b0141be5-3f03-a1c7-a57b-02f045d04426 force_deduplication="would not rename"
[WARN] identity: entity "entity-cAsE" with namespace ID "sYMXY" duplicates 2 others: id=95f0743b-a1d5-26da-b4ef-a50490da0787 force_deduplication="would rename to entity-cAsE-95f0743b-a1d5-26da-b4ef-a50490da0787"
[WARN] identity: entity "entity-case" with namespace ID "sYMXY" duplicates 2 others: id=9d3be96f-490a-9625-3118-896bd2b3a5f3 force_deduplication="would rename to entity-case-9d3be96f-490a-9625-3118-896bd2b3a5f3"
[WARN] identity: entity "entity-case" with namespace ID "sYMXY" duplicates 2 others: id=d82231d2-3716-6b9c-e80d-7d09c0409739 force_deduplication="would not rename"
[WARN] identity: end of entity duplicates
[WARN] identity: 2 group duplicates found
[WARN] identity: 2 group duplicates found
[WARN] identity: group "group-case" with namespace ID "root" duplicates 2 others: id=8ad26e0c-8cf6-5b67-7c77-6571fa374f34 force_deduplication="would rename to group-case-8ad26e0c-8cf6-5b67-7c77-6571fa374f34"
[WARN] identity: group "group-cAsE" with namespace ID "root" duplicates 2 others: id=9fe86ea0-f80c-1131-5be1-1d6e3b70237f force_deduplication="would rename to group-cAsE-9fe86ea0-f80c-1131-5be1-1d6e3b70237f"
[WARN] identity: group "group-case" with namespace ID "root" duplicates 2 others: id=32dd070c-c1f8-c796-9a71-15887014b813 force_deduplication="would not rename"
[WARN] identity: group "group-case" with namespace ID "sYMXY" duplicates 2 others: id=8aaeff7e-7343-c883-1e0c-c5c9968f75a5 force_deduplication="would rename to group-case-8aaeff7e-7343-c883-1e0c-c5c9968f75a5"
[WARN] identity: group "group-case" with namespace ID "sYMXY" duplicates 2 others: id=f11277b3-d985-4d72-d2e9-9c8c6c0db02c force_deduplication="would rename to group-case-f11277b3-d985-4d72-d2e9-9c8c6c0db02c"
[WARN] identity: group "group-cAsE" with namespace ID "sYMXY" duplicates 2 others: id=7c753d07-b0d9-e13b-6184-48247b8f7504 force_deduplication="would not rename"
[WARN] identity: end of group duplicates
Entity and group duplicates are reported as in the examples above. The resolution steps are the same for both.
Entities or groups may exist with duplicate names. These might be exact matches,
or may differ in case such as Admin
and admin
. In either case, the
resolution is the same.
Note that names are only duplicates if they are in the same namespace.
Possible unexpected behavior caused by these types of duplicates includes:
- Only one of them will be returned when looking up or listing by name
- Before Vault 1.19.0, which one is returned might vary depending on which server is hit or even after a seal and unseal on the same server
- Lookup by ID will work for all duplicates
- Listing by IS will return all duplicates
- Deletion by name may or may not delete all duplicates
These types of duplicates will be resolved automatically by renaming when
the force-identity-deduplication
flag is activated. Automatic renaming has the
following properties:
- Security safe. Renaming one or more of the duplicates will not allow existing tokens to access anything new.
- Preserves all data. Renaming will not delete any data in Vault and so can be identified and reversed manually later if necessary.
- Preserves access. In the vast majority of cases, logins and permissions will be unaffected and continue to work the same way. The exceptions are noted below.
There are two know edge cases that you should be aware of before activating the flag and triggering the renaming:
- Templated Policies. If access to some resource in Vault is granted via a templated policy that uses the entity or group name as part of a resource path, and that policy might be applied to the duplicated entity or group, then access to those resources could be lost when the name is changed. Resolution details are provided below.
- External references. For example if entities or groups are defined in Terraform configuration by name then one of those references will break when the resource is renamed. The same could apply to other external references to a named entity or group that use the name-based API methods to read or manage. Resolution details are provided below.
In general, for each duplicate within a namespace, the possible resolutions are:
- If the risk of either of the above edge cases is low to zero, no action is needed before activating the flag.
- If you know that the duplicates are unused or unimportant (for example
because of naming conventions such as
, or from consulting with teams that created them) you might simply delete them by their ID using the relevant API endpoint to clean them up. - If you are unsure about the risk from policy templating or external references. Refer to the additional resolution details below.
Resolving templated ACL policies
When duplicate entities or groups are renamed by activating the
flag, certain templated ACL policies might cause
access to some resources to be lost.
Policy templating in Vault allows users to specify policies that dynamically resolve based on properties of the authenticated entity. If those properties happen to include either entity or group name then a rename has the potential to change the meaning of the policy.
In practice this is overwhelmingly unlikely to result in unintended access being granted to an existing resource since the new name contains a UUID which should never collide with another resource path. The rename could potentially cause the entity to loose access to a resource they previously had access to however.
For example, if a user entity named Janine
had this policy:
path "kv/users/{{}}/*" {
capabilities = ["read", "create", "update"]
Then before the rename they would be able to read and write key-value pairs
(KVs) with the prefix kv/users/Janine/
. After the rename, the user would
instead be granted access to KVs with prefix kv/users/Janine-<UUID>/
, however
the KV mount doesn't know anything special about either path and so any existing
KVs the user had stored would remain at the old paths and Janine-<UUID>
no longer be able to access them.
You can resolve this in two ways:
- Change or add policy. You could define a new policy or a new rule in a
user-specific policy that explicitly granted access back to the old resource
path. For example you could add the following to a policy specific to the
entity:path "kv/users/Janine/*" { capabilities = ["read", "create", "update"] }
- Move the resources. In some cases operators could move the resources to be at the new path via the API. For example KV secrets could be renamed to match the new path. This might be arduous if there are many to rename, and for some other resource types it might not be possible to move them for other reasons e.g. external resources expecting access at that path. You should decide whether you perform any migration before or after activating the flag. If you choose to do it afterwards, the resources will be unavailable until the migration is complete. If you choose to do it first then the resources might be unavailable until the flag is activated if moved, or you might need to take care to keep updates to both old an new paths in sync until the flag is switched.
Resolving external references (e.g. Terraform)
It it is possible that renaming resources could break external references if they refer directly to the entity or group by name.
For example, if you have a Terraform configuration like this:
terraform {
required_providers {
vault = {
source = "hashicorp/vault"
provider "vault" {}
resource "vault_identity_entity" "BOB" {
name = "BOB"
policies = ["TEST"]
resource "vault_identity_entity" "bob" {
name = "bob"
policies = ["test"]
By default this Terraform config would not work correctly since Vault would match the names in a case-insensitive way and reject creating the second resource. But if you have had duplicates reported in your Vault cluster, that means that due to some historical issue Vault is running in a mode that would allow both of these case variations to exist a separate entities.
After activating the force-identity-deduplication
flag, one of these entities
will no longer have the specified name and so Terraform will attempt to rename
it and be unable to because that violates the case-insensitive name constraint
that has be re-introduced. An apply would result in an error such as:
➜ tf_dupe_testing terraform apply
vault_identity_entity.bob: Refreshing state... [id=e8c5e633-fe37-5a49-4a29-32e2643d03bd]
vault_identity_entity.BOB: Refreshing state... [id=2577bc3f-67ab-dab7-93dc-e86f78194ff0]
Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource
actions are indicated with the following symbols:
~ update in-place
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# vault_identity_entity.bob will be updated in-place
~ resource "vault_identity_entity" "bob" {
+ external_policies = false
id = "e8c5e633-fe37-5a49-4a29-32e2643d03bd"
~ name = "bob-e8c5e633-fe37-5a49-4a29-32e2643d03bd" -> "bob"
# (3 unchanged attributes hidden)
Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.
Do you want to perform these actions?
Terraform will perform the actions described above.
Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.
Enter a value: yes
vault_identity_entity.bob: Modifying... [id=e8c5e633-fe37-5a49-4a29-32e2643d03bd]
│ Error: error updating IdentityEntity "e8c5e633-fe37-5a49-4a29-32e2643d03bd": Error making API request.
│ Code: 400. Errors:
│ * entity name is already in use
│ with vault_identity_entity.bob,
│ on line 17, in resource "vault_identity_entity" "bob":
│ 17: resource "vault_identity_entity" "bob" {
To resolve this, you will need to update any Terraform configuration with the new name which you can get from the previous duplicate report:
WARN: [...] force_deduplication="would rename to bob-5789a392-e4fa-4df3-b2a9-ec11839f7ed1"
Or from future unseal logs:
WARN: duplicate entity `bob` was renamed to `bob-5789a392-e4fa-4df3-b2a9-ec11839f7ed1`
The same idea would apply to any other external systems that reference an entity or group by name. Simply changing the reference to use the new name is the simplest resolution.
Activating the force-identity-deduplication
TODO, describe the process and any details like how each Vault node will need to reload part of it's in-memory state which could cause a short period where requests wait or timeout depending on size of the data.